Dress Code



It is the intent of McKenzie High School to provide a learning environment in which student dress is not a distraction. In keeping with the philosophy of the parents and the community, we encourage neat, clean, and appropriate dress at school.


As such, students dress will be subject to the following guidelines:

  1. Clothing must cover completely all areas of the torso from the collarbone to 3 inches above the knee.  Sleeves must cover the shoulders with the armpit concealed and absolutely no undergarments(underwear) visible from the collarbone to the top of the kneecap.
  2. Students may not wear clothes with holes 3 inches above the knee, that are not covered underneath.
  3. Students will not wear sagging pants. 
  4. Students will not be allowed to wear clothing that advertises drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, controlled substances, violence, sex, suicide, satanic worship, cults, skulls and crossbones, or a glorification of death.
  5. Leggings, yoga pants or any other compression pants can only be worn if the bottom is completely covered, (at all times).
  6. Haircuts, hairstyles, or hair color that is to the point of causing a distraction is not allowed.
  7. No Pajamas or sleepwear is allowed unless it is part of a dress up day. NO BLANKETS
  8. Caps, hats, hoods, bandanas, chains, dark glasses, picks, and combs will not be allowed.
    1. Hats/Caps can be placed in the classroom or backpack but will not be carried around. 
  9. Visible body piercings to the point of causing a distraction are not allowed.
  10. MHS administration reserves the right to require students to change clothing that violates the intention of the dress code or is deemed a distraction to others.



Consequences of violations of the Dress Code:

  1. All students violating the dress code will be required to change. In the event that they have no proper clothes to change into at school, they will call a parent or guardian for a change of clothing. If a change of clothes is not available, the student will be remanded to ISS for that school day.  Students will always have a chance to get clothes out of the REBEL CLOSET.
  2. Students waiting on clothing to be brought to school will sit in the administrative offices. Being out of class over 30 minutes will constitute an absence in the class missed and less than 30 minutes a tardy.
  3. All dress code violations will be written up and recorded as a disciplinary infraction by the assistant principal.

            1st offense:      Warning/notification of parents for clothes change

            2nd Offense:     after-school detention

            3rd Offense:     two after-school detentions

            4th Offense:     ISS for three days for the fourth.

  1. After the second violation parents will need to meet with the administration